I discovered this website about 2 years ago.
On Polyvore.com, a great site for fashion addicts, you make "sets". Here is an example of one of my newest ones, featuring Chanel & Karl Lagerfeld.
& the black keys never looked so beautiful. by francesca is très chic. ♥ featuring here.
You can do a bunch of things on Polyvore. Other members can comment on your sets, like "I love the shoes!" They can even favorite it, and once a set gets a lot of favorites, it goes on the Popular List. Plus, a new feature the website has just added it trends. The creator of the set can write a few things they are trends or will be trends, and other users can vote on it. Another popular feature is Groups. These are groups of users who are in a specific group; it could be just for sets with Louboutins, sets about Gossip Girl, and more. When you make a set, you can choose up to 5 groups for your set to be in. Polyvore is amazing. I have met many awesome people, and my friends are hooked on it, too! To join, click here.
Some more of my sets-
Thanks for reading!
XOX francesca.
I love, love, love you sets! They're fabulous!
you makee the best sets ! like not even lying !!!
Awww these are so pretty! I don't think I've ever seen anyone use background stuff like that... Though admittedly, I do not know Polyvore too well.
ya. im NOT good with polyvore. But u are. REALLY good.
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