{picture from oceanup.com, does not belong to me.}
This will be quick.
I think the Jonas Brothers are some of the best dressed guys on the planet (;
They are also great singers, lovely gentlemen, and amazing. ♥
What do you think of their style?
What do you think of them?
Comment my lovelies!
xo Francesca ♥
{"lovelies"- a borrowed term from the gal over @ joiseygal.blogspot.}
My opinion of them...
I don't like them at all.
I LOVE THEM! doi (:
thank you for the "lovlies" credit.
keep on rocking, hon. ~lizzi
any one who likes jonas brothers is a poser because they were so last year.
no, anyone who keeps writing anonymous notes is a poser. & a wimp, for that matter.
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