Anybody who reads Vogue, or even Teen Vogue knows that September is when possibly the best magazines come out for the whole year. Vogue is known for making a hee-ugee issue every September, chockful of beautiful advertisements, many editorials, special interviews, and everything you could dream of. September is like the holiday season for magazines.
This documentary, which comes out on September 11th, is all about Anna Wintour, and her being one of the most powerful women in the fashion industry. As the editor-in-chief of Vogue, Anna "decides what's in", pulls of sunglasses indoors with ease, and is besties with major designers like Karl, Jean Paul, and Oscar. She is just so fabulous!
I can't wait for it to come out. I will definitely be in theaters first to watch this!
What about you, dear reader. Will you be there for Anna?
Stay haute!
xoxo Francesca